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POP aRT- at the sweet art gallery

Sweet Art Gallery

What is POP art? Pop artists look for inspiration in the world around them. Artists create works that represent everyday objects or that are heavily influenced by mass media. Sometimes the artwork is created form everyday objects and consumer goods. Pop art is often characterized by bold fields of primary colors and geometrical shapes created in a straightforward manner using clean mediums and materials.

"Pop artists adopted commercial methods like silk screening, or produced multiples of works, downplaying the artist’s hand and subverting the idea of originality—in marked contrast with the highly expressive, large-scaled abstract works of the Abstract Expressionists, whose work had dominated postwar American art. Pop artists favored realism, everyday (and even mundane) imagery, and heavy doses of irony and wit. Yet Pop artists like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein were very aware of the past. They sought to connect fine art traditions with pop culture elements from television, advertisements, films, and cartoons. At the same time, their work challenged traditional boundaries between media, combining painted gestures with photography and printmaking; combining handmade and ready made or mass-produced elements; and combining objects, images, and sometimes text to make new meanings."- MOMA description of Pop art.

Visit the sweet art gallery and enjoy POP aRT by Armand Verrier, Dom-o-nic, Peter Stilton, Patricia Mayhew and Jack Megela. Along with all of our many fine contemporary artists.

James Belush, 13x13 mixed media on wood, Armand Verrier

Crossroads, 36x66 three panel mixed media on wood, Arman Verrier

Cosmic View, puzzle pieces mixed media on wood, 48x54, Armand Verrier

High Rise, 36x36 glass and resin on canvas, Dom-o-nic

Yesterday, 48x56 glass and mixed media, Dom-o-nic

Papal Balcony, 48x48 Peter Stilton acrylic on canvas

Wind, 36x36 mixed media, Patricia Mayhew

Tropical Heat, 55x55, photography and "time" on canvas, Jack Megela





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